Behavioral Health Emergencies
Mental Health Crisis Information
Access Line: 1-800-555-5906.
24/7 Access support for anyone, anytime, to get information or learn how to connect with Mental Health Services.
Crisis Center: 1-855-838-0404
Call if you are experiencing a mental health emergency (a danger to self or others), please call the crisis center number above.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence
Strong Hearts Native Helpline: 844-762-8483
A safe, anonymous, confidential dating and sexual violence helpline.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 or Text LOVDIS to 22522
COVID-19 Stress
CalHope: 833-317-4673. A warm line for stress due to COVID-19
Medical Emergency Information
Ukiah Valley Medical Center: 707-462-3111
Frank R. Howard Memorial Hospital: 707-459-6801
Mendocino Coast District Hospital: 707-961-1234